Analogue Wall Clocks
 Alarm Sounder
In Time and Attendance and any system where people are paid for the hours they work, it is very important that the correct time is used on the equipment that employees use to register for work. The emotion and bad will created by somebody feeling they have lost a few minutes or been deducted 15 min when the system registered they were late, but the employees watch indicated to the employee they were on time is significant. By using Atomic Clocks to display and set the time on all equipment used for Time and Attendance, you take away this potential source of conflict and unrest with employees clocking on. The company is using the world time standard (The same as the speaking clock), and can prove that the time on the T&A system is the correct time at all times.
Looking for the Correct Time Download the Galleon World Time Clock and see the correct time of places around the world at the same time on your PC
Key benefits include:
- All times associated with employee registration show exact correct time.
- The provable correct time on the Time and Attendance system removes the arguments and conflict around which watch or clock had the correct time.
- Helps to combat fraud by providing accurate time-stamping for financial transactions.
- Automatic adjustment between Summer/Winter Time. No need to remember to change your computers time clock manually.
- Synchronise computers, Analogue wall clocks, T&A systems, PLCs, test equipment and more to within fractions of a second.
- Full product range, for all your Time Synchronisation requirements from Galleon The Time Specialists.
- Automatic update of time. No user intervention required, once installed forget about it.
· Simple Installation
- Reliable, GALLEON Atomic Clocks are used by thousands of organisations world-wide. They are used in a wide range of applications, including currency trading and e-commerce.
Analogue Wall Clocks, of 15" (380mm) diameter and 22" (550mm) diameter. The Atomic Radio Clocks from galleon show the absolute correct time, correcting automatically for Summer and Winter time changes.
Digital Wall Clocks, 4" (100mm) high characters displaying hours and minutes. Digital Atomic clocks from Galleon show the absolute correct time, correcting automatically for Summer and Winter time changes.
Alarm Sounder.Atomic Clock with relay output to drive hooters/alarms for breaks etc. Includes Atomic radio time receiver, relay output, serial interface, time, signal strength and date display. Can be configured for 3 different patterns each pattern triggering the alarm/hooter up to 15 times in a day, and each day being allocated one of the three patterns.
Computer Clocks. If you are using a computer based Time and Attendance system then having, and being able to prove you have the correct time on the computer system and terminals is essential. See the section on Computer Time Servers for the complete range of products available.
Not found what time and attendance solutions your looking for, try these solutions below.
Looking for Time and Attendance Solutions ,
Try the solution by QTAR it is designed to deal with the time and attendance requirements of UK medium to large companies (typically with 100 or more staff, and/or with multiple sites). Time And Attendance by QTAR is optimised for the UK working patterns, so if you are looking for Time And Attendance for a UK company then QTAR is a time and attendance solution you should evaluate.
Crown Computing is the UK's leading supplier of Workforce Administration and Management solutions to medium-to-large organisations in both private and public sectors. Our experience in Time & Attendance and the broader aspects of Employee Management and Time Accounting applications is exceptional and this is reflected in our client base, which includes major organisations such as BAE Systems, Salvesen Logistics, ITN and several large Local Authorities.
Listed below are the products for Time and Attendance supplied by Galleon.
Product Code
Analogue wall clocks
Wall clock 22" diameter. Synchronises to the Atomic Clock time signal
Wall clock 15" diameter. Synchronises to the Atomic Clock time signal
Digital wall clocks
Digital Wall Clock 4" (100mm high characters) Synchronises to the Atomic Clock time signal
Alarm Sounder Alarm Sounder. Radio Controlled Clock with relay output to drive hooters/alarms for breaks etc. Includes radio time receiver, relay output, serial interface, time, signal strength and date display
Computer Clocks Synchronise the time on your computer to the atomic radio clock, refer to the Computer time server price list